Time Saving Tip: Cover Letters
We all dread it: THE REQUIRED COVERLETTER. You are happily plotting along, applying for a job, then you see the red “REQUIRED” asterisk next to

July Employee Highlight: Austin McKeever
This month, JSG would like to highlight an employee who has gone above and beyond recently—Austin McKeever! Each month, JSG’s employees have the opportunity to

JSG Happenings: Bullhorn Engage Conference
This past month, a few of our wonderful employees attended the Bullhorn Engage conference in Boston. This was the first Bullhorn in-person conference since 2019— Nicole, Juan,
JSG Happenings: Midwest Staffing Conference
Here at JSG, we like to keep everyone updated on what our employees are up to in our different offices across North America. This week,
JSG Happenings: Midwest Staffing Conference
Here at JSG, we like to keep everyone updated on what our employees are up to in our different offices across North America. This week,
Keeping your Workplace Safe
June is National Safety Month! While safety should be a priority all year, we thought it might be beneficial to highlight a few basic ways