With this year being at an all-time low for unemployment rates, companies, like you, are being pushed to give higher wages, be more willing to relocate, and overall do a lot more to get and have great candidates take their job offer. And since the market is so great for candidates, companies are seeing a huge increase in ghosting from candidates when given an offer letter and even after accepting it.
But there are a few things you can do from your companies perspective that will keep those great candidates from leaving and going to another “better” opportunity.
Move Quickly
Moving quickly is a huge way to keep candidates on the hook and not looking for other positions. This way you can decrease the likelihood of them having counter offers, that will take them away from your position.
The killer of all deals is time. If you don’t move quickly, you will almost always lose the candidates you want to another company that is moving quicker. Even though the job market is great, candidates are still wanting to move quickly, and will not just wait for your company if they have another job offer on the table.
Be Unique
Make sure to juice up your company. Do you have a great company culture? Do you help employee’s support charities? There are tons of different things that make your company special. So, showcasing your best attributes will only keep candidates interested in your company and hopefully pass on other interviews and job offers. When you have a candidate that is excited about your company and morally loves what you do, almost nothing will keep them from accepting your offer.
Make Personal Connections
Making your company and people they will be working with accessible, is pertinent to keeping candidates on the hook. When they are in contact constantly with people they will be working with, they will want to stay on board with your company. It helps make them feel important and every person enjoys that feeling. So, instead of backing off after giving an offer, make sure to check in and have those personal connections with your candidates.
Opportunities for Growth
This is an important one to make sure you hammer into candidates you want to hire. Everyone wants to grow and well, earn more money. So, if you can explain to them how climbing the ladder works, it will help them realize how they can grow in their career. Explaining how promotions work and what they can expect helps them not be blindsided when they want to ask for promotions. And in turn, makes them more excited to work with a company that is so upfront. Being honest with growth potential and promotions will help you, in the long run, find great employees who want to stay. And keep your retention numbers even higher.
Overall, these tips can and will help you retain talent that you are dying to have. In today’s job market a lot of companies are hurting because there are not enough people to fill their open positions. And when you find a good candidate you do not want to lose them over small mistakes. If you keep in mind these tip’s you’ll be on the road to success with hiring great employee’s, who accept your job offer and you’ll have fewer candidates ghosting your company.