JSG Customer Relationship Manager/Program Manager – VMS/MSP, Dina Romero, has been with Johnson Service Group for six years. During that time, Dina has made a significant impact on our team in Irvine and our company as a whole! Keep reading to learn more about Dina and her impressive career in the recruiting industry.
You’ve been with Johnson Service Group for almost six years, tell us a bit more about your career here at JSG.
I started as a Senior Recruiter 6 years ago, out of the Irvine office. In 2016, I transitioned to being an Account Management for our VMS/MSP Accounts. I still love recruiting, so I assist several clients with recruiting for permanent roles as well. I love finding candidates and having the ability to share my passion for their job and the companies we partner with. It makes me happy to know I placed them at the right company and at the right time in their careers.
How was the transition between being a Sr. Technical Recruiter and a Customer Relationship Manager/Program Manager?
It was a natural transition for me because I had been working with these clients and already knew what they were looking for. I was ready to grow into this role, and my Senior Vice President, Jim Beckley, assisted me along the way. I love that I now have the opportunity to work with a lot of onsite managers and professionals who I had already established relationships with. Having these connections allows me to step in and help recruiters because I really understand the companies and what they need to be successful. It makes it easier to find a perfect fit for our clients!
How has the industry changed since you started recruiting?
The market has changed a lot, especially in the last couple of years with the decreasing unemployment rate. With more people actively employed, we have transitioned to recruiting qualified candidates when the opportunity and time is right for them. Additionally, with new laws regarding salary, we focus on selling the whole package – we are able to provide information about the company, growth opportunities, benefits, and more.
What do you like most about working for Johnson Service Group?
I love how even though we are a big company, every region has a unique culture. I have loved working here with Jim Beckley as my leader since day one. He is extremely hands-on, and he helps you get where you want to be. Even from the top down in the corporate office, you have the opportunity to meet, socialize, and really get to know our leadership team, which is great. We are like one big family! You are able to build a relationship with every employee and get to know everyone on a personal level. I love being a part of the onboarding process in our office. Introducing new people to the company is fun, and you get to watch them grow in their careers!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I just had a baby, so at this point, pretty much all of my free time goes to her! I love to spend time with family and friends. I also volunteer at my Church and Women Helping Women (WHW), in which I help individuals with career advice, their resumes, interviewing tips, and any other career coaching they may need.
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