JSG Blog
Keeping clients and candidates current.

Overcoming IT Staffing Challenges: JSG’s Tailored Solutions for Healthcare, Oil and Gas, and Finance
In the rapidly evolving business landscape, the demand for specialized IT talent has never been higher. Industries such as healthcare, oil and gas, and finance

Making the Most of Working on Friday
Fridays often carry a distinct vibe—a mixture of anticipation for the weekend and the urge to wrap up the workweek efficiently. To make the most
August Employee Highlight: Alison Coats
Each month, we like to highlight one of our employees that is going above and beyond. We look to recognize individuals who have demonstrated exceptional
Mitigating Hiring Risks with Expert Staffing Solutions
In today’s fast-paced business environment, making the wrong hire can be costly and disruptive. Hiring risks can include everything from poor cultural fit and inadequate
July Employee Highlight: Michael McGough
Each month, we like to highlight one of our employees that is going above and beyond. Over the past several months, we highlighted employees that